Friday, July 6, 2018

Maggie Rudy Fri 7/6/18

Maggie had another good day today.  She got in more walking with the PT, more work with the OT, and passed the barium test with the speech therapist with flying colors.  By the time I got there at noon, she was eating her first meal in over 2 weeks.  

She started with chocolate pudding, and had baked fish and fruit (apple, cantaloupe, banana) and NO applesauce.  She will remain on a solid food diet and weaned off her IV food over the next few days.  No restrictions on food either.  Maybe we try pizza soon?

She played catch with Laura and the PT, and she really is counting down the days to when the ENT visits (Tuesday).  Still the two questions: when is my trach coming out, and when can I take a shower?

The doctors are still weaning her off her one remaining sedative, they've eliminated a daytime dose of seraquel, and they are transitioning her seizure meds. They continue to assess the cognitive impact of the brain injury, which should be more easily evaluated when she can speak again.  No "thumbs up" yet, though Maggie tries - and laughs!

Probably the best news is that - after a team meeting this morning - Maggie's schedule for release from Kernan to home will be at the end of this month!  There are many variables in this equation, but the goal is to get her home before August.  We will be continuing with outpatient therapy 3 days a week after this, but getting her home will be great.

Thank you all for your positivity and prayers!  God bless, Craig.

Day 20

Forgot to add: Maggie expressed interest in getting to the beach today.  We thought that was a great idea, but she'd need to wear water wings and a duckie tube within 10' of the water. 😉


Karen Trout Reed said...

Soooooooooo thankful for the great blessings of Maggie's healing and progress each day! And for everyone's hopes - especially Laura and Craig's - morphing into fruition. Thank you for daily updates. Lifting each of you in prayer and with joy!

Unknown said...

Continued prayers and lots of love!

Anne said...

Continuing to send healing prayers