Thursday, July 5, 2018

Maggie Rudy Thu 7/5/18

Maggie had an hour of physical therapy, and hour of occupational therapy, and an hour of speech therapy today!  Some of the highlights are that she walked up and down a flight of steps with the PT, washed bedside and put her clothes on with the OT, and enjoyed ice chips and applesauce with the speech therapist.

She continues to improve her focus and alertness every day, and is now counting down the days to her evaluation with the ENT (tracheostomy).  The two questions every day: when can I get the trach out, and when can I shower? (trach must be removed to allow showering).

Laura said she has moments in trivia where she knows answers immediately. Chemistry is still a top knowledge area for Maggie.  However sometimes she struggles with simple math and spelling.  She had two neurological exams today, and the fine motor function in her hands especially is an area for improvement.  Her limbs are just not doing what her brain is telling them to do exactly, but they are improving.

After a very active day she is a bit exhausted, and is currently watching a move with Laura to relax (Prince of Persia).  Tomorrow speech therapy will do a barium swallow test - if she passes that, she'll start eating regular (soft to start) food again!

Also, I found out today that Maggie does NOT like applesauce, and only enjoyed the ice chips...


T. Steele said...

Thanks for the updates. I am going to have to agree with Maggie, I don't like apple sauce either. I'm glad to hear that Maggie is continuing to improve. Our prayers are with her and your family.

Unknown said...

Maggie is such a fighter! One tough beautiful young lady. Maggie and the family are in my prayers. Thank you for the updates.

Unknown said...

Maggie Strong!! I love hearing that you are improving. Thoughts and prayers continuing to come your way.

Unknown said...

Yes. We love the updates. She's a trooper and remains in our prayers. Take care and give each other hugs.