Monday, July 23, 2018

Maggie Rudy Mon 7/23/18

Today Maggie had her stomach peg removed, much to her relief!  A full day of therapy for Maggie, and a full day of planning for Laura with appointments and outpatient therapies for the first month after Maggie's release.

We have a meeting tomorrow morning with the neurological team and care team to discuss some of these items and her medications moving forward. Also some wound care instruction for the areas where her trach and stomach peg were located.  I believe we'll also find out what her therapy schedule is for Tuesday and Wednesday, and what time we will be bringing her back to Frederick.

Today Maggie has been in Baltimore for 37 consecutive days!  Seems like longer, but looking back she has made tremendous progress from day 1 to day 37.  Thank you all for your positive thoughts, support and prayers - Maggie couldn't have gotten here without them!

Also - in case you were wondering - Popeye's chicken tenders for dinner.  She'll have a bit of an adjustment regarding meals when she returns home... 😉


Sylvia said...

Maggie is my hero. What an amazing girl! But I always knew that.

Unknown said...

God is good!! I’m amazed how she has progressed every single day! Love and prayers to the Rudy’s family!