Sunday, August 5, 2018

Maggie Rudy Sun 8/5/18

Maggie has started outpatient rehab with Baker here in Frederick. Both OT and speech have been coming to the house, though this will change to their office in the near future, and probably add PT.

We've been walking or on the stationary bike for PT at home, and keeping up with brain games. The most recent alphabetical list: countries of the world (there is no "x"). We got to the pool today, and walked through a RV dealership for a few hours yesterday.

The latest big achievement: she has been able to get her contacts in her eyes the past two days! This really helps, because her glasses prescription is old.

The tracheostomy and stomach scars are healing well, though they itch a lot. Mags also takes a few naps per day. This is part of the healing process, and we're very pleased with her progress so far. We have a follow up appointment with the neurologist this coming week, and plan to stop by UM Hospital to visit the team at neuro ICU. I hope to get some good pictures from that visit!

Regards, CR


The Bittle Family said...

❤️❤️❤️Thanks for the updates- love hearing the good news

Coach Wiley said...

I'm so happy for you guys. Keep going Maggie

Unknown said...

Much love and prayers to all!