Monday, August 13, 2018

Maggie Rudy Sun 8/12/18

We had a great visit this past week in Baltimore.  On Wednesday, Maggie had a follow-up appointment with a neurologist who will be her regular doctor moving forward.  She was very thorough, completing a neurological exam, asking questions from childhood to all three of us (Maggie and Laura and I). We got a chance to discuss medications, lifestyle changes. We left confident that we were correct in moving her juvenile files from Children's Medical Center in DC to UM in Baltimore.

Next on the trip, we walked the two blocks to UM Hospital.  It was an odd sensation walking into that place again, since the last time we were there Maggie was a patient.  She does not remember the place or her stay there at all, except for sitting in the sunroom on the 4th floor on her last day or two. There's a small bakery inside the front door of the hospital, and we got lunch at around 2:30 pm.

After lunch we made a visit to the neuro ICU to visit some of Maggie's caregivers when she was a patient there.  Wednesday was day 53 since her accident.  The reception from the care team was awesome!  Maggie went in first, followed by Laura and I.  The nurses recognized Laura immediately, and had to look a few times at Maggie - they could not believe she was walking back into the unit already!  There were a lot of tears (of joy) and stories of Maggie as a patient.  We got to see around 7 of her nurses, two or three of her doctors including Dr. Morris, her first attending neurologist, a pharmacist, even a few folks on the 4th floor where the sunroom is located.

Although Maggie didn't remember anyone, she got hugs from everyone.  It was a truly uplifting experience for all of us, and we are forever grateful to this team.  Here's a picture of Maggie with the ICU team on day 53 since her accident:

I have not shown this photo until now, but asked Maggie's permission.  Here's Maggie on day 2 (June 17, 2018):

The neuro care team at UM Hospital is amazed at her progress so far in such a relatively short time.  The power of prayer is our answer; that and some good care at the hospital and at rehab!


Anne said...

Just amazing! 😍😍😍😍

Unknown said...

Wow! I am amazed at her strength and progress. You must be so grateful. I am continuing to pray for her! Love, Kalli