Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Maggie Rudy Wed 6/27/18

7 am.  Maggie is totally off the precedex sedative, which is good. But she had an active and uncomfortable night. Laura did not sleep. Maggie is closer to being back, just not here yet. She did give us a big smile last evening!  We will see what the care team's plan is for the day, and I will update this post with more information by tonight.

Thank for your thoughts and prayers as we continue this journey.

12 noon.  The doctors are encouraged (which means we are too!),  One of Maggie's neuro team who has been with her throughout was out yesterday, but back today and really noted areas of improvement in eye movement and head movement.  Maggie actually laughed this morning, and smiled.  She's got a bit of a fever they're treating, but otherwise physically she's doing well. The team's goal is to get her out of bed today, so I'll report on that next.  

3 pm. So the out of bed experience was moving her from her bed to a chair via a lift. Mags was in the chair for about 2 hours, then back to the bed. Baby steps in the right direction.


Unknown said...

continued prayers and love to all th Rudy's!

MrsHildy said...

I’m continuing to keep you all my thoughts and prayers. Maggie is blessed to have a strong family by her side giving her positive vibes, love and comfort

KZK said...

Maggie and your family are constantly in our thoughts and prayers. We are full of hope for you.
The Kaplans

Coach Wiley said...

Hi Maggs it's Coach, My thoughts are with you.
Coach Wiley